Be selective in all the aspects of your life ... and do only what you love to do ... nothing more. Life is too short for compromises! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Be selective in all the aspects of your life ... and do only what you love to do ... nothing more. Life is too short for compromises! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Bobby had a new date ... with a lady he considered great ... into the Central Park, New York.

He succeeds to park his car and then calls her ... and almost could not wait to ... meet her.

Olivia ... was a simple girl, working as a cashier in a grocery store ... but even if he was a successful lawyer ... he did not cared at all of those social differences.

Close to his 50s ... Bobby started to realize that just the soul is important ... and he dreamed a lot to meet a lady with a big soul, that will treat him with ... infinite love.

Bobby was reading long time ago a book about how to treat people that have drug addiction ... because he had in the past a love story with a young student that was taking drugs ... and wanted to save her.

In the book ... he finds out that all those people that have this ugly addiction had to be treated with ... infinite love and understanding.


Bobby was never taking drugs ... but realized that he needed the same treatment.

His lost soul ... that mix of positive and negative energies ... was totally fucked up.

Someone needed to come ... and fix it.

Going to a therapist ... could be useless ... so he was not even trying ... but he was dreaming that a beautiful soul will appear in his life and heal his lost soul.

But guess what?!

Even if Olivia was looking like an extraordinary person ... her inner self was also fucked up.

They both were suffering of a kind of spiritual sickness ... impossible to be cured by the doctors ... and were pretending they were looking for a partner, but all they searching was a magical healing.

Olivia ... which was a little bit shy ... was not treating him in the way he wanted to be treated.

In fact ... she was just treating him ... as a stranger ... and he was a stranger ... from a strange place ... New York City.

Not getting the treatment what was looking for ... just like a 5 years old kid ... Bobby ends the date with Olivia ... explaining that not seeing the connection ... is just useless to continue the walk.

He leaves ... and Olivia is feeling so offended ... like never before in her life.

But what is funny ... is that Bobby ... who was actually a great lawyer that was mastering the art of having ... and in fact creating compromises ... realized for the first time in his life ... that life is too short to continue it with so many damm compromises.

But he did not leave because did not liked her ... or of the absence of connection ... but because the compromises were just part of his whole story of life.

Bobby needed a ... change ... and the first step was to not pretend anymore that he is not fucked up.

And maybe Olivia ... the same.

Maybe on their description on the dating sites ... should be better to write .... “I am searching for an amazing human being ... that will help me in a magical way ... to find myself again”.

That could be ... correct attitude.

The Universe was laughing of the 2 of them ... for their absence of honesty ... when they went to those dates ... where they were searching more ... a therapist, than a partner.

They both had to change .... forget about compromises ... and be more selective ... but all those actions needed to be taken inside of them ... not in the outside world.

Being broken inside of the soul ... is ok, but pretending and acting like a possible great partner ... was just a ugly lie ... meant to attract other people ... just hoping they will actually heal that ugly part of the self.

And indeed was funny ... meeting a person that is doing the same thing behind your back ... acting into a negative way, with unbelievable expectation that will get a positive result.

The story with Bobby and Olivia ended in a silly way .... just like all the real stories from the real life ... but both of them understood that life is too short for compromises ... and that is almost too late to continue that scenario ... of pretending ... just to get the healing.

And truth be told compromises will never help us for real!



Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my lifewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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